1945년생. UN IPCC 의장, 고려대학교 그린스쿨 석좌교수, (전)에너지경제연구원장, (전)세계에너지경제학회 회장, (전)한국자원경제학회 회장, 서울대 상대, 미 러트거스대 경제학 박사
Lee, Hoesung
Chair, UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Professor, Green School, Korea University
Fellow, Korea Environment Institute
Climate Change Advisior to the President, Asia Development Bank
Former President, Korea Energy Economics Institute
Former Dean, College of Environment, Keimyung University
Former President, International Association of Energy Economics
Former President, Korea Resources Economics Association
Former Co-Chair, IPCC Working Group Ⅲ
Former Lead Author, IPCC Third Assessment Report
BA, Seoul National University, Department of Trade
Ph.D. Economics, Rutgers University
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