서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)

Executive Officers

    • 정구현 Jung, Ku-Hyun
    • 제이캠퍼스 원장, 서울국제포럼 이사장 대행, 서울국제포럼 전임회장, 연세대학교 명예교수
      Chief Learning Officer, J Campus
      Acting Chairman, Seoul Forum for International Affairs
      former President, The Seoul Forum for International Affairs / Professor Emeritus, Yonsei University

    - 서울대학교 경영학과 졸업 (경영학사), 1969
    미국 미시간 대학교 대학원 졸업 (Ph.D), 1976

    연세대학교 경영대학 교수 (1978-2002)
    연세대학교 동서문제연구원 원장(1992-1997)
    - 연세대학교 경영대학원장/상경대학장(1997-2002)
    삼성경제연구소 소장 (2003-2008), 상근고문(2009-10)
    - 연세대학교 명예교수(2008-현재)

    주요 학회 활동
    - 한국경영학회 회장 (2004)
    한국경영교육인증원 원장 (2008-현재)

    최근 (편)저서
    - 한국의 기업경영 20년 (삼성경제연구소, 2008)
    - 한국기업의 글로벌 경영 (위즈덤하우스, 2008)
    - 금융위기 이후를 논하다 (삼성경제연구소, 2010)

    JUNG Ku-Hyun is currently Visiting Professor at KAIST School of Business and also serving as President of the Seoul Forum for International Affairs. He is also Board chairman of the Center for Free Enterprise. He has served as President and CEO at Samsung Economic Research Institute from 2003 to 2008 and as a senior advisor in 2009 and 2010. From 1978 to 2002, he taught at School of Business, Yonsei University in Seoul. During his tenure at Yonsei, he has served as Director of the Institute of East and West Studies (1992-1997) and Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration and College of Business and Economics (1997-2002). He has written extensively in the areas of big business groups, globalization of firms, and East Asian economic integration. His book, Korean Management in the Last 20 Years (in Korean), was awarded the Best Research Book of 2008 by the Maeil Business Daily Foundation. His more recent book, Korean Economy in 2027(in Korean) has been widely reviewed and quoted in the Korean press. In 2016, he co-authored two books, one on innovation of Korean companies and another on Korea’s third sector. Dr. Jung has served in the past as outside board members of several corporations, as members of two Presidential Commissions and as advisors to key economic organizations and governmental agencies in Korea. He has a bachelor’s degree from Seoul National University (1969) and a doctoral degree from the University of Michigan (1976).


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