서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 김태효 Kim, Tae-Hyo
    • 국가안보실 제1차장,성균관대학교 정치외교학과 교수 & 국가전략대학원장
      전 대통령실 대외전략기획관/대외전략비서관, 전 외교부 외교안보연구원 교수
      First deputy director of the National Security Office / Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science & Dean, Graduate School of National Strategy, SKKU
      former Senior Secretary to the President for National Security Strategy

    2008년 2월부터 대통령실 대외전략비서관으로 일해오고 있으며, 이전에는 신아시아연구소 국제협력실장, 외교안보연구원 교수, 성균관대학교 정치외교학과 교수 등을 지냈습니다. 국제관계와 외교정책, 남북관계를 연구ㆍ교육하면서 대 정부자문 및 사회활동을 지속해 왔습니다.

    국문공저인「현대외교정책론」과 한일안보관계, 한미일 안보관계에 관한 두권의 영문저서를 집필했으며, 70여편의 학술논술을 국내외 전문학술지에 게재했습니다. 또한, 청와대 국가안전보장회의 자문위원, 대한민국 공군 정책자문위원, 외교통상부 평가전문위원, 국가비상기획위원회 자문위원 등을 역임했습니다.

    서강대학교 정치외교학과를 나왔고 미국 Cornell University, the University of Chicago에서 각각 행정학 석사와 정치학 박사를 취득했습니다.

    Before joining the Blue House in February 2008, he had been Associate Professor in the department of political science at Sungkyunkwan University and Director for international cooperation at New Asia Research Institute (NARI), both located in Seoul, Korea. He was also an Advisory Committee Member for ROK Foreign Ministry, ROK Air Force, and Emergency Planning Commission. Before joining Sungkyunkwan in March 2005, he had been a Professor with the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea.

    Kim is co-author of Foreign Policy in the 21st Century (Myungin Books, 2007) and editor of The Future of U.S.-Korea-Japan Relations: Balancing Values and Interests (The CSIS Press, 2004) and Korea-Japan Security Relations: Prescriptive Studies (The Oruem Publishing House, 2000) as well as the author of more than 60 articles in international studies and foreign and defense policy journals.

    Kim received his B.A. from Sogang University (1990), an M.A. in Public Administration from Cornell University (1993), and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago (1997).


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