1957년생. 미국 예일대학교 경제학 학사. 현 루트로닉 대표이사 회장. 전 미국 Laser Systems, Inc 부사장 (아시아지역 마케팅담당). 대통령 표창 수상 (2003 무역진흥공로, 2008 벤처산업진흥공로). 보건복지가족부장관 표창 수상 (2009 국민보건의료향상공로). 지식경제부장관 표창 수상 (2010 IT산업발전공로, 2011 생산성향상선도공로). 산업통상자원부 장관 표창 수상 (2014 수출확대우수기업, 2015 '월드클래스 300 유공자 포상식' 기술확보 단체부문). 코스닥협회 부회장, 벤처기업협회 부회장, 첨단의료복합단지위원회 위원, 보건복지부 보건의료기술 정책 심의위원회 위원 등 역임. 현재 코스닥협회 고문, ATCA(우수제조기술연구센터협회) 이사, 대한의용생체공학회 부회장.
Born in 1957. Graduated from Yale University in 1982. Joined Laser Systems, Inc. as Vice President in Marketing for Asia in 1988. Moved back to Korea and founded Lutronic Corporation (former Max Engineering) in 1997. Awarded the President’s Commendation for trade promotion in 2003 and venture industry promotion in 2008, the Health and Welfare Minister’s Commendation for public health improvement in 2009, the Knowledge Economy Minister’s Commendation for contribution to IT industry development in 2010 and productivity improvement in 2011, the Trade, Industry and Energy Minister’s Commendation for contribution to export expansion in 2014 and World Class 300 in 2015. Served as Vice Chairman of KOSDAQ Association, Vice President of Korea Venture Business Association, Member of Advanced Medical Innovation Foundation, Member of Health Technology Policy Review Board in Ministry of Health and Welfare. Currently Advisor of KOSDAQ Association, Board member of Advanced Technology Center Association (ATCA), and Vice President of Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering.
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