서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 홍규덕 Hong, Kyudok
    • 숙명여자대학교 정치외교학과 교수, 전 국방부 국방개혁실장
      Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Sookmyung Women's University
      former Deputy Minister for Defense Reform

    ○ ’93. 9. 1 ~ 현재 숙명여자대학교 정치외교학과 교수
    ○ ’99. 5. 1 ∼ ‘99.12.22 아태안보협력이사회(CSCAP) 한국지부 이사
    ○ ’07. 1.10 ~ ’09.11.14 숙명여자대학교 사회과학대학 학장
    ○ ’93.10.10 ~ ’95.11.20 UN 군축위원회 및 총회 제1위원회 정부대표
    ○ ’02. 5. 2 ~ ’09.12.22 육군 홍보정책 자문단 자문위원
    ○ ’02. 7. 1 ∼ '09.12.22 아세안지역포럼(ARF) 및 저명인사그룹(EEP) 정부대표
    ○ ’04. 3. 1 ~ ’08.12.30 외교통상부 국제기구 담당관 및 조약국 자문위원
    ○ ’05. 9. 9 ~ ’09.12.22 국방부 정책실 자문위원
    ○ ’06. 1. 1 ~ ’09.12.22 국제정책연구원(IPSI-Kor) 원장
    ○ ’06. 3. 1 ~ ’09.12.22 유엔체제학회(KACUNS) 사무총장
    ○ ’06.10.11 ~ ’06.10.18 세계유엔협회총회(WFUNA) 한국대표
    ○ ’07.12. 1 ~ ’08. 2.22 제17대 대통령직 인수위원회(국방,외교,통일)분과 국방담당
    ○ ’09. 5. 7 ~ ’09.12.22 한국장학재단 이사
    ○ ’09. 5. 7 ~ ’09.12.22 남북교류협력추진위원회 위원
    ○ ’09. 6. 5 ~ ’09.12.22 통일부 정책실 자문위원
    ○ ’09.12.23 ∼ ’12.12 국방부 국방개혁실장

    Dr. Hong has served as the Deputy Minister for Defense Reform, Ministry of National Defense. He became the first civilian scholar to be appointed as Deputy Minister in the history of Defense Ministry. Before joining the government, he worked as a Professor and Dean of the College of Social Sciences at the Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul, Korea. He has been teaching international relations since 1993 and also served as the Director for External Affairs for six years. Dr. Hong received the teacher of the year award for seven consecutive years since the university adopted the system in 2003.

    He was also serving as the policy advisor to the Chief of Staff, the ROK Army, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Unification, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He was also a member of ASEAN Regional Forum's EEP(Experts/Eminent Persons) and the CSCAP-Korea. He actively worked as the Secretary General of Korean Academic Council to the United Nations System (KACUNS) and the Korean Association of International Studies (KAIS). He also served as the President of International Policy Studies Institute, Korea (IPSI-Kor) founded by Dr. Han Sung-Joo.

    He assisted President Lee Myung-bak to shape his foreign and security policy as a member of campaign advisors and joined a presidential transition committee as a senior advisor in the field of foreign affairs, unification, and security during the January and February 2008.

    He received his Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina in 1991 with the guidance of Ambassador Richard L. Walker and researched at the American University in Washington, D.C. as visiting professor in 2002. He is the author of many articles and book chapters, and one of the active participants in international conferences and workshops on security issues. He was serving for BG. Robert W. Pointer, Jr. at the CFC C4 from 1980 through 1982 as E5 before discharging from the ROK Army.


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