서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 박은하 Enna Park
    • 월드엑스포범시민유치위원회위원장, 전 부산광력시국제관계대사, 전 주영국대사, 전 외교부 공공외교대사, 전주중국대사관공사
      Chairman of the Citizens Committee World Expo / Former Ambassador for International Relations of Busan Metropolitan City / Former Ambassador to the UK / Former Ambassador for Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    직업 외교관으로 37년 간 주인도대사관, 유엔대표부, 주중국대사관, 주뉴욕 총영사관 등 해외공관과 외교부 본부 및 청와대 비서실, 외교 안보 연구원에 근무함,
    개발 협력 국장, 공공 외교대사를 거쳐 주영국대사로 2021년까지 재임. 인권 여성 이슈, 빈곤 퇴치와 개발 협력 분야에 깊은 관심을 갖고 있으며, 국가 브랜드 강화를 위한 공공 문화 외교에 주력하고 있음.

    연세대학교 사학과, 미국 컬럼비아대학 국제관계학대학원(SIPA) 졸업.

    국제무대에서 여성으로서 활약을 평가 받아 근정포장, 세계개발원조총회(부산)의 성공적 개최로 영산외교인상을 수상.

    Ambassador Enna Park joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea in 1985. She has served in New Delhi, Beijing and New York (Mission to the UN and Consulate General). Her last foreign post was London where she served as Ambassador (2018-2021). She has also assumed a wide range of positions in Seoul, recently as Ambassador for Public Diplomacy(Deputy Foreign Minister) and previously as Director-General for Development Cooperation. Throughout the career, she has focused on human rights, women’s status and empowerment, development cooperation and public/cultural diplomcy.

    She studied history at Yonsei University in Seoul and she received a Master’s degree from School of International Affairs(SIPA), Columbia University in New York.

    She was awarded the Service Merit Medal in 2009 and Yonngsan Diplomats Award in 2012.


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