1984 ~ 1988 이화여자대학교 영어영문학과 학사
1988 ~ 1990 이화여자대학교 경영학석사
1995 ~ 1997 Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University 정책학 MPP
1998 ~ 2003 Harvard University Health Policy Ph.D
2018 ~ 2022.3 감사원 감사위원
2018 ~ 현 W20 (G20 자문기구) 한국대표
2004 ~ 현 이화여자대학교 사회과학대학 행정학 교수 이화여자대학교 경력개발센터 원장,
대외협력처 부처장, 이화여자대학교 리더십개발원 부원장 등 역임
2022.7 ~ Harvard Kennedy School Alumni Board Member
2010 ~ 2011 Senior Visiting Scientist/Takemi Fellows, Harvard School of Public Health
2003 ~ 2004 Associate Scientist, Institute of Health Policy, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard
Medical School
대통령 직속 4차산업혁명위원회 위원, 국무총리 직속 국제개발협력위원회 민간위원, 외교부 혁신 TF 자문위원, 기획재정부 보조사업 운용평가단, 보건복지부 공공기관 평가 평가위원
정책자문위원/자체평가위원 (외교부, 여성가족부, 행정자치부, 보건복지부)
여성정책연구원 자문위원
한국정책학회: 부회장, 여성정책위원회 위원장, 사회보장특별위원회 위원장, 국제협력위원장
한국행정학회: 여성특별위원회 위원장
통일보건의료학회 정책이사, 건강정책학회 학술이사, 보건경제정책학회 국제협력이사
BMC Public Health 저널 Associate Editor, Journal of Health Systems & Reform 편집이사
Minah Kang is professor at the Department of Public Administration at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea. Until recently, she served the Korean government as the first female Commissioner of the Board of Audit and Inspection, the Supreme Audit Institution of Korea.
She was a committee member of various expert advisory committees, including the Presidential Committee on the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Primary Ministers’ Committee for International Development Cooperation (CIDC), and advisory boards for the Korean government (Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Since 2018, she is an active member of W20, one of the engagement groups to the G20. She published numerous articles in internationally recognized public policy and health policy journals including New England Journal of Medicine, Health Affairs, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Medical Care, Health Policy, and JAMA. Her research interests are global health and governance, development cooperation policy, M&E framework for ODA, and political analysis of public policy. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Health Systems & Reform and Associate Editor of BMC Health Services Research. She completed a Ph.D. in Health Policy from Harvard University, Masters of Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School and BA from Ewha Womans University
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