서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 백진현 Paik, Jin-Hyun
    • 서울대학교 명예교수, 전 국제해양법재판소 소장
      Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University
      former President, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

    [주요경력 및 활동]
    대한민국 국비장학생 (국제해양법 분야)

    화란 헤이그 국제법 아카데미 수료 및 박사과정 장학생

    1988 - 현재
    미국 뉴욕주 변호사(attorney-at-law)

    1990 - 1997
    외무부 외교안보연구원 조교수 및 부교수

    현재한국해로연구회(SLOC-Korea) 연구위원장

    1990 - 1996
    유엔총회, 유엔해양법회의(국제해저기구 및 국제해양법 재판소 설립준비위), 유엔평화유지활동(PKO) 특위, 주요 범죄인인도협정 및 국제형사사법공조협정 교섭회담, 주요 어업협정 교섭회담 등, 주요 국제회담 한국대표 및 법률고문

    국제해저기구 및 국제해양법재판소 설립준비위, 아시아그룹 의장

    1994 - 1997
    대통령자문 21세기위원회 및 정책기획위원회, 위원

    1994 - 현재
    아태안보협력이사회(CSCAP), 해양협력분과 한국대표

    미국 랜드연구소 초빙연구원

    2000 - 2002
    외교통상부 정책자문위원

    2000 - 현재
    대한국제법학회 감사 및 이사

    2003, 2005-7
    서울대학교 국제대학원 부원장

    2003 - 2004
    미국 스탠포드대학교 후버연구소 초빙연구원 및 존스홉킨스대학교 국제대학원(SAIS) 초빙교수

    2006 - 2008
    SNU-KIEP EU 연구센터 소장

    2008 - 2010
    서울대학교 국제학연구소(IIA) 소장

    2008 - 2011
    (사) 한국유엔체제학회(KACUNS) 회장

    2006 - 현재
    (사) 해성 국제문제윤리연구소 소장

    2009 - 현재
    국제해양법재판소(ITLOS) 재판관

    [주요저서 및 논문]
    국제법․해양법․국제정치(외교․안보) 분야
    국․영문 편․공저서 8권 및 논문 약 100여 편
    Marine Policy, Maritime Security and Ocean Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific (1995)
    UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and East Asia (1996)
    Conflict and Order at Sea (1999) 등

    Jin-Hyun Paik is Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg, Germany. He is also Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), Seoul National University (SNU), Korea. He has specialized in international law and organization, law of the sea, and international security and conflict management. Educated at Seoul National University (LL.B.), Columbia Law School(LL.M.), and Cambridge University (Ph.D.), he was a doctoral fellow at the Hague Academy of International Law, Netherlands; visiting fellow at the Rand Corporation, Santa Monica and Hoover Institution, Stanford; and visiting professor at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He has been a member of Korean delegations to various diplomatic conferences including the UN General Assembly, UN conferences on the law of the sea, and UN peacekeeping committees. He also has been a member of advisory committees to various government organizations of Korea including Presidential Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the National Security Council. He is currently President of a few academic associations in Korea including the Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOC) Study Group Korea and the HaeSung Institute for Ethics in International Affairs, a non-profit, private foundation dealing with the role of ethics and norms in international relation. He has edited eight books and written over 100 articles on his field of interests both in English and Korean. Prof. Paik has been a frequent contributor and commentator on international affairs to major Korean newspapers and international media such as CNN, CNBC, BBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Financial Times, Asian Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Newsweek, Asiaweek, etc.


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