서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 민선식 Min, Sunshik
    • YBM 회장
      Chairman, YBM

    학 력

    1978년 서울 경성고등학교 졸업
    1982년 서울대학교 경제학과 졸업
    1985년 미국 MIT 경영대학원 졸업 (석사)
    1989년 미국 Harvard University 경영대학원 졸업 (박사)

    경 력

    1990년 일본 동경대학교 객원 연구원
    1990년~1992년 서울대학교, 연세대학교, 고려대학교 강사
    1991년~현재 YBM 부회장
    1998년~1999년 성균관대학교 겸임교수
    2004년~현재 이화여자대학교 경영대학 겸임교수
    2009년~현재 Korea International School 이사장

    사 회 활 동

    1997년~현재 미국 Harvard University Asia Center 고문
    2003년~2004년 Harvard Business School 한국동문회 회장
    2004년~현재 주한 미 상공회의소 교육분과 위원회 회장
    2005년~2011년 서울대학교 평의회 의원
    2005년~2006년 Young Presidents’Organization 한국 회장
    2008년~2011년 Harvard Business School 총동창회 이사
    2010년~현재 MIT 경영대학원 Executive Board Member
    2011년~현재 Harvard 경영대학원 Dean’s Asia Pacific Advisory Board Member
    2013년~현재 Harvard Global Advisory Council member
    2015년~현재 MIT한국 총동창회 회장

    상 벌

    1975, 1978년 서울시 교육감상
    2006년 대한민국 산업포장
    2007년 영국 훈장 (Officer of the British Empire)

    Sunshik Min is the CEO/Chairman of YBM, a closely held Korean corporation. The company and its subsidiaries publish an array of books and magazines, including the Korean edition of National Geographic Magazine, and administer language-proficiency and IT-skills tests. They also operate language schools for children and adults. Dr. Min is Chairman of the Korea International School (KIS), a YBM-affiliated organization. Founded in the year 2000, KIS offers a K-12 English-medium curriculum at three campuses and is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) in the United States.

    Dr. Min serves several non-profit organizations in a variety of capacities. He is on the Harvard Global Advisory Council, the Harvard Business School Dean's Asia Pacific Advisory Board and the MIT Sloan Asia Executive Board, taking part also in the activities of the Friends for Asia Foundation. He is on the advisory committee for the Asia Center at Harvard University and serves as General Secretary of the Korea Britain Society. Dr. Min received the Medal of Industrial Merit from the Korean government in 2006 and was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2007.

    Dr. Min received a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Seoul National University in 1982, after which he went on to receive his Master’s degree in management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1985. In 1989 he obtained his doctoral degree in business administration from Harvard University. Since taking his degree, Dr. Min has served as a lecturer and adjunct professor at several universities in Korea, Singapore, and Japan.


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