서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 사공일 SaKong, Il
    • 세계경제연구원 명예이사장, 전 재무부 장관, 전 대통령경제수석비서관, 전 대통령직속 G20 준비위원장
      Chairman Emeritus, Institute for Global Economics (IGE); former Minister of Finance and Senior Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs

    서울대 상과대학 졸업(1964), 미국 UCLA에서 석사 및 박사 학위 취득 후, 뉴욕대(NYU) 및 영국 쉐필드대 교수 (1969~1973). 한국개발연구원(KDI) 재정금융실장·부원장, 산업연구원(KIET) 원장, 경제기획원 장관 자문관, 청와대 경제수석비서관(1983~1987), 재무부장관(1987~1988), 대외경제통상대사(2000-2002), 대통령경제특별보좌관(2008-2009), 대통령직속 2010서울 G20정상회의 준비위원장(2009-2011), IMF특별고문(1989~1992), ASEM 비전그룹 의장, 세계금융체제개혁 현자그룹(EMEPG) 의장, 한국무역협회장(2009-2012) 역임.

    Dr. Il SaKong is Chairman Emeritus of Institute for Global Economics, a private non-profit research institute (he founded in 1993).

    He served the Korea government, as Minister of Finance (1987-88), Senior Secretary to President for Economic Affairs (1983-87), Ambassador for International Economy and Trade (2000-2002), Special Economic Advisor to President & Chairman of Presidential Council on National Competitiveness (2008-09) and Chairman of Presidential committee for 2010 Seoul G20 Summit (2009-2011). He also served as Chairman & CEO of Korea International Trade Association (2009-2012) and Special Consultant to IMF(1989-1992)

    Dr. SaKong graduated from Seoul National University (1964). After receiving Master’s (1966) and Ph.D. degrees (1969) from University of California, Los Angeles, he taught at New York University (1969-73) and University of Sheffield (1971-72).


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