서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 안충영 Ahn, Choong Yong
    • 중앙대학교 국제대학원 석좌교수, 전 KOTRA 외국인투자 옴부즈만, 전 대통령직속 규제개혁위원회 위원장, 전 KIEP 원장
      Distinguished Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Chung-Ang University; former Chairman, Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership; former Foreign Investment Ombudsman, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)

    중앙대학교 국제대학원 석좌교수 (국제경제론, 동아시아경제 통합론 강의)
    Kotra (대한무역투자진흥공사) 외국인투자 옴부즈만
    규제개혁위원회 위원
    대통령자문 국가경쟁력강화위원회 위원

    B.A. (1959-1963) : 경북대학교 법정대학 경제학과
    M.A. (1966-1968) : 미국University of Hawaii (East West Center프로그램)
    Ph.D. (1968-1972) : 미국 Ohio State University

    1974. 8 - 2006. 2 : 중앙대학교 정경대학 경제학과 교수
    2004. 6 - 2005. 10 : 대통령자문 국가과학기술자문회의 기술기반분과위원장
    2002. 1 - 2005. 1 : 대외경제정책연구원 (KIEP) 원장
    2002. 2 - 2005. 2 : APEC 경제위원회 의장
    1999.12 - 2005. 2 : 대통령「국민경제자문회의」 위원
    1999.2 - 2002. 3 : 조흥은행 이사회 의장
    1990. 12 -1992. 12 : 한국계량경제학회 회장
    1994.12 - 1995.12 : 한국국제경제학회 회장
    1993. 8 - 1994. 6 : 일본 문부성 초청 교토(경도)대학 경제연구소 객원교수
    1992 - 1993 : Malaysia 수상실 "2000년대 공업화 종합개발계획", UNIDO 연구단장
    1978 - 1988 : 세계은행(IBRD)초청 컨설턴트 (10회)

    상 훈
    1) 매일경제신문사 제정 1984년도 이코노미스트상 수상
    2) 일본 수상실 산하 總合硏究開發機構(NIRA) 제정 제1회 <NIRA 大來 (오키다) 政策硏究賞> 수상 (2000. 11. 22.)
    3) 중앙대학교 학술상 수상 (2001. 10. 11)
    4) 전국경제인연합회 「제13회 자유경제 출판 문화상」수상 (2002)
    5) 옥조근정훈장 (2006)

    1)「現代東アジア經濟論」, 日本 岩波書店, 2000.
    2)「現代 韓國?東아시아 經濟論」, 博英社, 2001.
    3)「現代東亞經濟論」, 北京大 出版社, 2004
    4)「2001동북아 경제협력:통합의 첫걸음」, 공동 엮음. 博英社, 2003.
    5) Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review, North-Holland, Cambridge University Press, Springer등 전문서 시리즈와 국내학술지에 150여 편 논문 등재.

    AHN Choong Yong is currently the Chairman of the Presidential Regulatory Reform Committee. He is also Foreign Investment Ombudsman, responsible for resolving grievances raised by foreign investors in Korea. He is also Distinguished Professor of Graduate School of International Studies at Chung-Ang University. While taking on leave from Professorship of Economics, Chung-Ang University, He had also served as the President of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) from 2002 to 2005, Chair of the APEC Economic Committee, and Chair of Board, Choheung Bank. He has maintained a keen interest in public policy, serving in positions such as consultant to the World Bank, UNIDO Chief Technical Advisor to the Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia to design Malaysia's industrial master plan, and presidents of several academic societies in Korea including Korea International Economics Association, Korea Econometric Society, Korean Society of International Trade, Korea Development Economics Association, etc. He has also won various honors including the Economist of the Year Award from the Maeil Business Daily Newspaper in Korea, the Okita Policy Research Award by the National Institute for Research Advancement in Japan for his publication on “Modern East Asian Economy” under an Iwanami Shoten monograph series in Japanese, and Free Economy Publication Award by the Federation of Korean Industries in 2002. Since receiving his Ph.D. from Ohio State University in 1972, Dr. Ahn published many articles in prestigious international journals including Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review, Japanese Economic Review, Journal of Asian economics, etc and Monograph papers in North-Holland, Cambridge University Press, Springer and Edward Elgar.


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