서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 김기환 Kim, Kihwan
    • Seoul Financial Forum 명예회장, 전 KDI국제정책대학원 연구교수
      Chair Emeritus, Seoul Financial Forum
      former Distinguished Visiting Professor, KDI School for Public Policy and Management

    서울파이낸셜포럼 명예회장, 전 KDI 연구자문위원

    미국 그린넬 대학(Grinnell College) 및 예일 대학교(Yale University)에서 역사학 학사(BA) 및 석사(MA) 학위를 받음. 경제학 박사(Ph D.)는 캘리포니아 버클리 대학교(University of California, Berkeley)에서 취득.

    1976년 귀국 전 버클리 대학교 등 미국 대학에서 13년 이상 경제학 교수 역임.

    귀국 후 경제부총리 자문관, 금융통화위원, KDI 원장 등 역임.

    1983년 아웅산사태 직후 정부에 들어가 상공부차관, 남북경제회담
    수석대표, 해외협력기획단장, 통상협력대사 역임. 이런 직책을 수행하는
    과정에서 한때 국내에서 너무 앞서가는 개방주의자라는 많은 비판을 받음.

    1997-1999년 대외경제협력특별대사로 정부에 복귀, 외환위기 수습에
    핵심적 역할 수행.

    2008-2010년 국민경제자문회의(대통령의장) 부의장 역임

    2003-2005년 태평양경제협력위원회(PECC) 국제의장 역임.

    저서로는 D. Leipziger 박사와의 공저인 ‘정부주도에 의한 한국의 경제발전,’ (세계은행, 1993) 등이 있음.

    취미: 등산

    Dr. Kihwan Kim Chairman Emeritus of the Seoul Financial Forum. He was a Distinguished Visiting Research Professor at KDI School of Public Policy and Management.

    From 2008 to 2010, Dr. Kim served as Vice Chair of the National Council for Economic Policy that is chaired by Korea’s President. During the 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis, he was Korea’s Ambassador-at-Large for Economic Affairs, playing a key role not only in the early resolution of the crisis for Korea but also for laying the ground for subsequent reforms.

    Other positions he has held in the Korean government include Chief International Economic Policy Coordinator and Trade Negotiator with the rank of an Ambassador (1984-86), Chief Delegate to South-North Inter-Korea Economic Talks (1984-86), Vice Minister of Trade and Industry (1983-84) and Senior Economic Counselor to the Deputy Prime Minister cum Minister of Economic Planning (1979-82). He also served as a member of Korea’s Monetary Board (1982-83) and President of Korea Development Institute (KDI), the premier economic policy think-tank financed by the Korean government (1982-1983).

    From 1999 to 2008, Dr. Kim was an International Advisor at Goldman Sachs and from 1993 to 1999, Senior Advisor at Kim and Chang, the largest and most prestigious law firm in Korea. From 1989 to 1993, he served as a Visiting Faculty at the University of California, San Diego, a Visiting Scholar at the University of Tokyo and a Visiting Faculty at the University of California, Berkeley. From 1986 to 1989, he was President of Sejong Institute. At various times he has also served as a consultant to the World Bank, the OECD and foreign governments, and in 2004-05 he was international chair for the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council.

    Educated at Grinnell College (B.A., History), Yale University (M.A., History) and the University of California at Berkeley (Ph. D., Economics), Dr. Kim taught economics for some thirteen years at a number of American universities, including the University of California, Berkeley and Davis, before returning to Korea in 1976.

    An author of books and articles on the Korean economy, world trade and international finance, Dr. Kim is a frequent contributor to newspapers and professional journals in Korea and abroad. In November 2013, he published his latest book in Korean titled Korea’s Economic Miracle: Past 50 Years, Next 50 Years.


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