1950년 1월 6일생.
1971. 2 서울대학교 문리과대학 지리학과 졸업
1973. 2 서울대학교 대학원 지리학과 석사
1980. 8 독일 키일대학 철학 박사
1973. 7.~1975. 6. 육군사관학교 지리학과 교수
1980.10.~1985. 3. 서울대학교 지리학과 조교수
1985. 4.~1990. 9. 서울대학교 지리학과 부교수
1989. 5.~1993. 7. 서울대학교 사회과학대학 지리학과장
1989. 6.~1995. 5. 대통령자문 21세기위원회 위원
1990.10.~2009.12. 서울대학교 지리학과 교수
1993. 8.~1995. 2. 서울대학교 사회과학대학 학장보
1997. 8.~1998. 4. 대통령자문 정책기획위원회 간사위원
2000.12.~2002. 7. 서울대학교 교무처장
2004. 7.~2006. 2. 서울대학교 국토문제연구소장
2004. 8.~2006.12. 세계지리학연합(IGU) 부회장
2007. 1.~2010. 7 세계지리학연합(IGU) 사무총장
2008. 2.~2008. 6. 대통령실장
2009.12.~2011. 5. 주중국대사
2011. 9.~현재 통일부 장관
1996.12. 농어촌진흥대상
1998. 2. 국민훈장 동백장
Born in 1950, Dr. Yu Woo-ik was sworn in as the Minister of Unification on September 19, 2011. Prior to his appointment, Minister Yu was ambassador to China from December 2009 to May 2011 and served as President Lee Myung-bak’s chief of staff in 2008. Minister Yu also worked as a member of the 21st Century Presidential Advisory Committee and the Presidential Advisory Committee on Policy Planning under President Kim Young-sam.
Minister Yu has led a distinguished academic career as a professor of geography at Korea Military Academy and Seoul National University. During his career at Seoul National University from 1980 to 2009, he held various important positions, including dean of the department of geography and dean of academic affairs. He has long served as vice president and secretary general of the International Geographical Union and was director of the Institute for Korean Regional Studies at Seoul National University.
Minister Yu received his B.A. and M.A. from Seoul National University and holds a Ph. D. in philosophy from the University of Kiel, Germany.
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