◎ 학 력
- 서울대학교 경제학과 졸업
- 미국 MIT 경영대학원 졸업
- 미국 존스홉킨스 대학 국제관계대학원(SAIS) 국제정치학 박사
◎ 경 력
- 6선 한나라당 국회의원 (現)
- 한나라당 대표최고위원
- 한미의원외교협의회 회장(現)
- 울산대학교 이사장(現)
- 국제축구연맹 (FIFA) 명예부회장(現)
- 아산재단 이사장(現)
- 아산정책연구원 명예이사장(現)
- 고려대학교 재단이사
- 2002년 월드컵조직위원회 위원장
◎ 저 서
≪企業經營理念≫, 울산대학교, 1982년
≪日本의 政府와 企業 관계≫, 한국경제신문사, 1995년
≪일본에 말한다≫, 김영사 (한국)ㆍNikkei BP (일본), 2001년
북경대학교 출판부 (중국), 2002년
◎ 수 상
1988. 2 88 서울올림픽 유치 공로포장 (대통령)
1996. 올해의 인물상 (한국기자협회)
1997. 6 월드컵유치 체육훈장 청룡장(대통령)
2002. 11 국민훈장 무궁화장(대통령)
Current Positions
Member of the National Assembly (1988 – Present, 6th term)
- Foreign Affairs, Trade, & Unification Committee
President, Korea-U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Council
Honorary Vice President of FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association)
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Ulsan University
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Asan Foundation (the largest philanthropic foundation in Korea)
Honorary Chairman, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies
Honorary President, Korea Football Association
Chairman of the Grand National Party
Member of the Supreme Council, Grand National Party
Candidate for National Presidential election in 2002
Member of National Assembly’s following committees:
- Defense Committee
- Economic Planning and Science Committee
- Sports, Culture and Mass Media Committee
- Science, Technology, Information and Telecommunications Committees
- Education Committee
Chairman, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
Co-chairman of the Korean Organizing Committee for the 2002 FIFA World Cup
Korea-Japan (KOWOC)
President of Korea Football Association
Member of the Board of Trustees, Korea University
Member of the Board of Trustees, Johns Hopkins University
Member of the Center for Asia Pacific Policy Advisory Board, Rand Corporation
Member of Board of Directors, Salzburg Global Seminar
Ph.D. The School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS),
Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
M.S. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, U.S.A.
B.A. Economics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
1. This I Say to Japan, Nikkei Business Publication Co., 2001
2. The Relationships between Government and Business in Japan, Korea Economic Daily Newspaper Press, 1995.
3. Ideology of Business Management, Ulsan University Press, 1982
4. Status of the Korean Shipbuilding Industry, a Paper presented at the International Development Exchange Program conference sponsored by Korea Development Institute, 1982.
5. Market Access Needs of Newly Industrialized Countries and Less Developed Countries, a Paper presented at the 17th Pacific Basin Economic Cooperation (PBEC) Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 1984.
6. Issues on Korea - American Economic Cooperation, a Paper presented at the Conference on Peace and Prosperity on North-East Asia, Center of Strategic and International Studies(CSIS), Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., April, 1984.
7. Perspective toward globalization, speech at the Conference on Global Futures of World Regions, sponsored by Korean Sociological Association, 2006.
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