서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 정의용 Chung, Eui Yong
    • 전 외교부장관, 전 아시아정당국제회의 상임위원회 공동위원장, 전 국가안보실장, 전 국회의원
      former Chief, National Security Office
      former Co-Chairman of the Standing Committee and the Secretary General of the ICAPP
      former Member of the National Assembly

    주요경력 :
    2009.12. (사)아시아정당국제회의(ICAPP) 사무국 사무총장
    2009.1 법무법인 세종 고문 (비상근) (현)
    2007.2 아시아정당국제회의(ICAPP) 상임위원회 공동의장 (현)
    2004. 5. 제17대 국회의원(비례대표)
    - 통일외교통상위원회 위원(2004.6-08.5)
    - 정보위원회 위원(2004.6-06.6)
    - 예산결산특별위원회 위원(2007.7-08.5)
    - 한미FTA체결대책특별위원회 위원(2006.6-2007.12)
    - 여수세계박람회유치특별위원회 위원(2006.3-07.12)
    - 한.미 의원외교협의회 간사장(2005.5-08.05)
    - 한.미.일 3국의원협의회 간사장(2005.5-08.5)
    - 아시아정당국제회의(ICAPP) 의원연맹 회장(2008.3-08.5) 등
    2004. 2. 외교안보연구원 연구위원
    2001. 2. 주제네바 대사
    - 세계무역기구(WTO)지재권협상그룹 의장(2001.2-04.1)
    - 군축회의(CD) 특별조정관(2001.5-9)
    - 국제노동기구(ILO) 집행이사회 의장(2002.6-04.6)
    - 세계화의 사회적차원에 관한 세계위원회(World Commission
    on the Social Dimesion of Globalization) 위원(2002.6-04.5)
    1998. 4. 외교통상부 통상교섭조정관
    - APEC 고위관리회의(SOM)수석대표(1998.4-01.1)
    - 한.칠레 FTA협상 수석대표 등
    1997. 3. 주이스라엘 대사
    1995. 2. 주미국대사관 공사(경제통상 담당)
    1993. 8. 외무부 통상국장
    1991. 9. 주구주공동체(EC)대표부 공사
    1989.12. 외무부 공보관 겸 대변인
    1989. 2. 외무부 정세분석관
    1986. 1. 주미국대사관 참사관
    1984. 6. 주태국대사관 참사관
    - ESCAP 상임부대표
    1982. 9. 외무부 통상정책과장
    1978. 3. 외무부장관 비서관
    1974. 6. 주캐나다대사관 3등서기관
    1971. 12. 외무부 입부(외무고시 5회)
    1971. 6. 해군 중위 예편

    상 훈 :
    2004.9 황조근정훈장
    2006.1 칠레정부 “베르나르도 오히긴스” 훈장
    2010.12 캄보디아 왕립학술원 명예정치학 박사

    Since February 2007, Ambassador CHUNG Eui-yong is serving as the Co-Chairman of the Standing Committee and the Secretary General of the ICAPP, or International Conference of Asian Political Parties, which represents over 300 political parties in 52 countries in Asia.

    After serving in Korea’s Foreign Service for more than three decades, Ambassador Chung entered politics, being elected to the 17th Session of Korea’s National Assembly in April 2004 for a four year term. During his tenure, he served as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the governing Uri Party, later the Democratic Party, where his responsibilities included marshalling foreign policy consensus within the party and advancing the Party’s positions in the Parliament and the Administration. He also represented the Korean National Assembly in various inter-parliamentary conferences, including IPU, APU and other numerous regional and bilateral groupings.

    From 2001 to 2004, he served as Ambassador to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva. In this capacity, he directed and oversaw the activities of more than 30 career diplomats engaged in various multilateral negotiations in Geneva. In June 2003, he was elected President of the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization after serving as its Vice President, representing the interests of government group within the ILO’s tripartite structure. He also served as an ex officio member of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, which was co-chaired by the Presidents of Finland and Tanzania. In 2002, Ambassador Chung chaired the Special Session of the Council on International Property Rights at the World Trade Organization, while also serving as the Special Coordinator for the Agenda Review in the Conference on Disarmament.

    Prior to Geneva, he was the Deputy Minister for Trade, from 1998 to 2001, during which he oversaw the planning of trade policy as well as bilateral and multilateral negotiations. In particular, he was responsible for initiating and conducting negotiations for the Korea-Chile Free Trade Agreement. He concurrently served as the head of the Korean delegation to the APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting. During his brief service as Ambassador to Israel, from 1997 to 1998, he not only strengthened bilateral cooperation on various fields between Korea and Israel, but also initiated Korea’s ODA programs for the Palestinian people.

    Ambassador Chung served as the Minister for Economic Affairs in Washington, D.C. and Brussels, strengthening Korea’s bilateral economic ties with both the U.S. and the European Union. He also contributed to Korea’s role in successfully concluding the Uruguay Round negotiations while serving as Director-General for International Trade from 1993 to 1995. Before 1993, he held other prominent positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Ministry Spokesman, Deputy Director General for International Information Analysis, Director of the Trade Policy Division and Assistant to the Foreign Minister, after previously serving at the Korean Embassies in Bangkok, Washington, D.C., and Ottawa. He joined the Foreign Service in late 1971 after three years of military service as a Navy officer.

    Born in Seoul, Korea in 1946, Mr. Chung received a B.A. in International Relations from Seoul National University in 1968 and an M.P.A. in International Affairs and Security from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in 1982.

    He received Order of Service Merit, Yellow Stripes from the Korean Government in Sep. 2004, Special Citation for Contributions to Parliamentary Diplomacy from the Korean National Assembly in May 2005, and Bernado O’Higgins Medal from the Chilean Government in Jan. 2006. He also received Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science from the Royal Academy of Cambodia in Dec. 2010.

    He is married with Kim Haengsuhn and has two sons and four grandchildren.


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