서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 조동성 Cho, Dong-Sung
    • 경인방송 회장, 서울대학교 명예교수
      President, Kyung-In Broadcasting Co. Ltd / Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University

    1949년생, 1976년 미국 하버드대 경영대학원 박사학위 취득, 1978년 걸프 오일회사 본사 기획실에서 근무. 하버드대 경영대 학원, 프랑스 INSEAD, 핀란드 헬싱키 경제대학원, 일본 동경대, 미시건대학(앤아버), 듀크대학, 북경대학 초빙교수. 2001~2003년 서울대 경영대 학장, 1999~2001년 서울대 국제지역원 원장, 2005년 한국경영학회 회장 역임.
    현재 서울대 경영대학 교수, 한국학술단체연합회 회장, 핀란드 명예영사.

    Dong-Sung Cho is Professor of Strategy, International Business and Design at Seoul National University. He received a doctoral degree from Harvard Business School in 1976, and worked at Gulf Oil Corporation before joining SNU. He was visiting professor at HBS, University of Michigan, Duke University, INSEAD, Helsinki School of Economics, University of Tokyo, and Peking University. He is Jointly Appointed Professor at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. Among 94 articles and 70 books he published are The General Trading Company by Lexington Books, Tiger Technology: the Rise of the Semiconductor Industry in Asia by Cambridge University Press, and From Adam Smith to Michael Porter: Evolution of Competitiveness Theory by World Scientific. He received Honorary Doctoral Degrees from Inje University and Aalto University in Helsinki.

    He was Dean of College of Business Administration and Dean of Graduate School of International and Area Studies, at SNU. He has been on the Board of Directors at 17 multinational companies and research organizations. He was President of Korean Academic Society of Business Administration; and Chairman of Korean Association of Academic Societies, the umbrella organization of 651 academic societies. He chaired the Committee for Government Innovation Management; and co-chaired the Committee for Synergistic Cooperation between Big and Small Corporations jointly with Prime Minister of Korea.

    Since 2008, he has been in the Presidential Council for National Competitiveness of Korea. His current responsibilities include President of Korea Support Committee for the International Vaccine Institute, the UN-created research lab for vaccines needed in developing countries; President of Seoul Research Center of UN Global Compact; President of Korea Auto Forum; President of Korea Reprographic and Transmission Rights Association; Director General of Ahn Jung-Geun Memorial & Museum; and Honorary Consul General of Finland in Korea. He is on the Board of Directors at Korea National Opera Company.


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