주요경력 :
1976-78 대통령 비서실 국방담당관 (육군준장)
1980 사단장 (소장, 보병 제6사단)
1982-83 육군본부 관리참모부장
1983-85 군단장 (중장, 제3군단)
1985 합동참모본부장 (중장)
1985-87 한미연합사 부사령관 (대장)
1988-91 주 중화민국 특명전권대사
1991-93 주 브라질 특명전권대사
1993-96 주 타이페이 한국대표부 대표 (대사)
1997-2003 서경대학교 교수
2004. 2. 서경대학교 총장
2008. 2~현재 서경대학교 명예총장
Career :
2009. 1 President of Korea America Friendship Society
2008. 2 Honorary President of Seokyeong Univ.
2005-06 Chairman of retired army generals and admirals association
2004. 2 President of Seokyeong Univ. (Seoul Korea)
1997-03 Professor, Seokyeong Univ. (Seoul Korea)
1993-96 Representative, Korean Mission in Taipei
1991-93 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Brazil
1988-91 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of China
1985-87 Deputy Commander-in-Chief,
R.O.K.-U.S. Combined Forces Command (General)
1985 Director General, Joint Chiefs of Staff (Lt.. General)
1983-85 Commanding General, ROK Army 3rd Corps (Lt.. General)
1982-83 Assistant Chief of Staff, ROK Army Headquarters
1980-82 Commanding General,
ROK Army 6th Infantry Division(Maj. General)
1978-80 G3, ROK 3rd Army Headquarters (Brig. General)
1976-78 Secretary to the President of the ROK for the National Defense (Brig. General)
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