서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 정재호 Chung, Jae Ho
    • 주 중국 대사(2022~현재), 서울대학교 정치외교학부 교수(on leave) , 전 서울대학교 중국연구소 소장
      ROK's Ambassador to the People's Republic of China (2022~present)
      Professor, Political Science and International Relations
      former Director, US-China Relations Center, SNU

    1983년 서울대 국어교육과를 졸업한 후, 1985년 Brown University에서 중국사 전공으로 석사를, 그리고 1993년에 University of Michigan에서 정치학 박사학위를 받았다. 1993-96년에 홍콩과기대(香港科技大學) 사회과학부 조교수를 거쳐 1996년부터 서울대학교 외교학과 및 정치외교학부 교수로 재직 중이다. 2002-3년에 Brookings 연구소에서 CNAPS Fellow, 2007년에는 중국인민대학에서 Korea Foundation Visiting Professor를 거쳤다. 서울대 국제문제연구소 소장(2003-5)과 중국연구소 소장(2008-2011)을 역임했으며, 외교부, 통일부, 국가안보회의 등의 정책자문위원을 역임했거나 재임 중이다. 2006년부터 Asian Network for the Study of Local China(ANSLoC: http://www.ansloc.net) 창립간사를 맡고 있으며, 2009-12년 기간 동안 MacArthur-Asia Security Initiative(MASI: http://masi.snu.ac.kr)의 <한-중 관계와 미국> Project를 수행하고 있다. China Quarterly에 실린 6편의 논문을 포함해 도합 70여 편의 논문을 발표했으며, 총 12권의 저서 및 편서를 출간했다. 대표 저작으로 『중국의 강대국화: 비교 및 국제정치학적 접근』 (도서출판 길, 2006), 『중국의 부상과 한반도의 미래』 (서울대출판부, 2011), Central Control and Local Discretion in China (Oxford University Press, 2000), Between Ally and Partner: Korea-China Relations and the United States (Columbia University Press, 2007), China's Crisis Management: Organizations, Learning, and Norms (Routledge, 2011)가 있다. 2009년 서울대 학술연구상을 수상했다.

    Jae Ho CHUNG is a professor of political science and international relations and former director of the Institute for China Studies and of Center for International Studies at Seoul National University. Professor Chung is a graduate of Seoul National University, Brown University and the University of Michigan where he received his Ph.D. in 1993. Before joining the faculty of Seoul National University, he taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology during 1993-96 and was a CNAPS Fellow at the Brookings Institution during 2002-3. He was also Korea Foundation Visiting Professor at Renmin University during 2007. Professor Chung has served on the advisory committee for the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and of Reunification, and the National Security Council.

    Professor Chung is the author or editor of twelve books, including Central Control and Local Discretion in China (Oxford University Press, 2000), Charting China’s Future (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006), Between Ally and Partner: Korea-China Relations and the United States (Columbia University Press, 2007), China’s Local Administration: Traditions and Changes in the Sub-national Hierarchy (Routledge, 2010), and China’s Crisis Management (Routledge, 2011). Professor Chung is the founding coordinator of the Asian Network for the Study of Local China (ANSLoC: http://www.ansloc.net ). He serves on the editorial committees of The China Quarterly, Pacific Affairs, Politics, Asian Perspective, East Asia, and China Perspectives. Professor Chung is a recipient of Seoul National University’s Best Researcher Award in 2009 and of the MacArthur Foundation's Asia Security Initiative Grant on "Korea-China Relations and the U.S." for 2009-2012 (http://masi.snu.ac.kr ).


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