- 世界銀行 (World Bank) Economist (1984∼1989)
o Research Department
o Financial Sector Department, Asia Region
o 1989 World Development Report, Core Team Member
- 國際通貨基金 (IMF) Economist (1989∼1992)
o Exchange and Trade Relations Department
(現 Program Development and Review Department)
- 美 Georgetown 大學校 Adjunct Professor (1990∼1991)
- 世界銀行 (World Bank) Senior Economist (1992∼1993)
o Financial Sector Development Department
- 韓國租稅硏究院 副院長 (1995∼1996)
- 副總理兼 財政經濟院 長官 諮問官 (1995, 1996∼1997)
- 西江大學校 國際大學院 敎授 (1997.3 ~ 현재)
- 西江大學校 國際地域硏究院 院長 (1997.5 ~ 2003.2)
- 대통령 경제보좌관 (2003.2-2005.2)
- 주 영국 특명전권대사 (2005.2-2008.2)
- 서강대학교 국제대학원장, 교수 (2008.3-현재
- 其他經歷
o Korea-America Economic Association, Treasurer (1987)
o 금융발전심의위원회 국제금융 분과위원 위원 (1994)
o 대외경제조정위원회 실무위원회 위원 (1994)
o 한국재정학회 이사 (1995∼1996)
o 한국금융학회 이사 (1996∼1997)
o Bretton Woods Club 총무간사 (1993∼1996)
o 한국태평양경제협력위원회 선임위원(1998.3 ∼2003.2)
o 금융발전심의위원회 위원 (1998- 2001)
o 세계은행 (World Bank) 자문교수 (1998.2~ 2002. 12)
o Member, Editorial Board of Seoul Journal of Economics (1989 ~ 2003.2)
o 「경제분석」, 편집위원 (2001-2002)
o 국제금융센터 운영위원 (1999-2001)
o 국민경제자문회의, 민간위원 (1999.11 ~ 2001.3)
o 한국금융학회 부회장 (2001.7-2002.6)
賞 勳
- 제25회 매경 이코노미스트상 수상 (1995)
Professor Cho is currently professor of the Graduate School of International Studies of Sogang University. His previous positions include Economic Advisor to the President of the Republic of Korea(2003-2005), Korea’s Ambassador to the UK(2005-2008), Vice President of the Korea Institute of Public Finance(1995-1996), and Senior Counselor to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economy(1995, 1996-1997). He worked at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for about ten years before he returned to Korea in 1993. He also taught at Georgetown University as an Adjunct Professor. Professor Cho received his B.A. in economics from Seoul National University and Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University. Professor Cho has published widely in the areas of the financial sector reform and restructuring, and Korea’s economic development.
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