경력 및 저술
현) 고려대 국제대학원 교수(국제정치) 겸 일민국제관계연구원 원장
현) 대통령 외교안보자문회의 위원
전) 외교통상부 외교안보연구원 교수
전) 한국국제정치학회 부회장
전) 한미 안보정책구상회의(SPI) 자문위원장
전) 국방부, NSC 자문위원
전) 미국정치연구회 회장
저서 및 논문: 「미국외교정책론」(공저); "미국의 동북아 전략과 남.북.미 삼각관계" ; “The End of Humanitarian Intervention?" 외 다수
KIM Sung-han is professor and associate dean at the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) and director of the Ilmin International Relations Institute at Korea University. Before joining GSIS in September 2007, Dr. Kim was a professor from 1994 to 2007 at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade. Prior to that, he had worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences and as expert advisor to the Prime Minister's Committee for Globalization (1992-1994). Dr. Kim has served as a Vice President of the Korean Association of International Studies; President of Korean Association of American Politics (KAAP); Secretary General of the Korean National Committee of Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP-Korea); and Chairman of the Vision Council for the ROK-U.S. Security Policy Initiative. After the Cheonan incident of March 2010, he served as a member of the newly created Presidential Commission for National Security Review (May - August 2010) and the Presidential Commission for Defense Reform (July - December 2010). Currently, he is advising the Foreign Relations Committee of the National Assembly, the Ministry of Unification, the Ministry of Defense, and the National Intelligence Service. Since May 2008, he has been participating in the Presidential Advisory Council for Foreign Affairs and National Security, which consists of ten security experts. Dr. Kim specializes in U.S. foreign policy and international security and he earned a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A. His recent contributed articles to scholarly journals include “From Blood Alliance To Strategic Alliance”, “The End of Humanitarian Intervention?”; “North Korea: Between Survival and Glory”; and “Exploring a Northeast Asian Peace and Security Mechanism.”
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