서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)


    • 구자열 Koo, Cha Yol
    • ㈜LS 이사회의장, 전 LS전선 부문 회장
      Chairman of the Board, LS Corp.

    1953년 출생. 1972년 서울 고등학교 졸업. 1979년 고려대학교 경영학 학사 졸업. 1978년 LG상사 입사 후, LG상사 동남아지역 및 뉴욕지사 이사, 1995년 LG증권에서 국제부문 전무이사, 2009년 LS전선 대표이사 회장, 2013년 LS 그룹 회장을 역임. 2015년부터 국가지식재산위원회 위원장, 전국경제인연합회 산업위원회 위원장을 맡고있으며, 2014년부터 한국발명진흥회 회장, 대한자전거연맹 회장을 역임.

    Born in 1953, LS Chairman Koo graduated from Seoul High School in 1972 and from the Business Administration Department of Korea University in 1979. After joining LG International as a regular employee in 1978, he served as the Director of the company’s New York branch as well as the Region Director of Southeast Asia. He moved to LG Investment & Securities (currently Woori Investment & Securities) in 1995 as the executive in charge of international operations and became an expert in the field of international finance. He served as the Vice Chairman and CEO of LS Cable in 2008, Chairman and CEO of LS Cable & System in 2009, and Chairman of LS Corporation in 2013. Christopher Koo is also Chairman of Presidential Council on Intellectual Property(2015), Committees on Industry Policy of FKI(2015), Chairman of Korea Invention Promotion Association(2014), and Chairman of the Korea Cycling Federation (reappointed in 2013).


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