서울국제포럼 The Seoul Forum for International Affairs(SFIA)

Board of Directors

    • 이승훈 Lee, Seung-Hoon
    • Lee International IP&Law Group 상임고문
      Senior Advisor of the Executive Committee, Lee International IP&Law Group

    1985년~現 Lee International IP & LAW 상임고문
    1988년~2020년 ㈜인피니트 그룹 회장
    1992년~2004년 한국유스호스텔연맹 부총재
    2004년~2005년 한국스카우트연맹 이사 역임
    2004년~2010년 Georgetown University 한국 동창 회장 역임
    2005년~2008년 한국유스호스텔연맹 총재 역임
    2005년~現 안보경영연구원 이사
    2006년~2014년 주식회사 풍산 사외이사
    2006년~現 외교통상부 통상교섭분과 명예 자문위원
    2007년~現 한국 펄벅 재단 이사
    2011년~現 디지털 타임스 이사
    2015년~現 연세의료원 발전위원
    2017년~2019년 한국과학기술단체총연합회 부회장

    Seung-Hoon Lee is the Senior Advisor of Lee International IP & Law. He is also the Chairman of Infinite, one of the top corporate imaging and branding companies in Korea, and of Infiniss, a world class licensing, marketing, and distribution company. In addition to his role at Lee International, Mr. Lee also serves as a director of Seoul Forum, as a director of Digital Times, a director of the Pearl S. Buck Foundation Korea, as a member of Development Committee of Yonsei University Health System, as honorary trade counsel to the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and as a director of the Security Management Institute.

    Beyond his professional responsibilities, for many years Mr. Lee has been actively involved in both the public and private sectors of Korean life. Among his other affiliations, he has served as the President of the Korea Youth Hostels Association, as director of the Korean Scouting Association and as an outside director on the boards of several public companies in Korea. Mr. Lee was also the President of the Georgetown University Alumni Club of Korea for several years, and for which he continues to actively coordinate and promote Georgetown alumni events.

    Chairman Lee is a graduate of Seoul National University, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural and Mechanical Engineering in 1974, and subsequently completed graduate studies in Urban Planning in 1976. Mr. Lee continued his education at Columbia University in New York, where he attended the Graduate School of Architecture from 1976 to 1977, and from which he earned a Master’s degree in International Affairs in 1979. Lastly, Mr. Lee received a Juris Doctor degree from the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC in 1985.


Address 03737 3rd floor, Poongsan Building, 23 Chungjeong-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea

TEL. 82-2-779-7383 FAX. 82-2-779-7380 E-Mail. info@seoulforum.or.kr

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