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[경제•통상] [송경진 회원] Letter: World Bank and IMF must strive to remain relevant (Financial Times 2019.07.18)
Date: 2019-07-18

Letter: World Bank and IMF must strive to remain relevant

Financial Times ┃ 송경진 파이낸셜뉴스 글로벌이슈센터장

입력 2019.07.18. 


Your editorial “Bretton Woods twins need to keep adapting” (July 18) offers a good reminder that the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank must stay relevant with the change of the times, reflecting the broader membership, the changed balance of economic power, and the new needs of today, such as the revival of multilateralism and tackling climate change and immigration. If not, their legitimacy, efficiency and usefulness will be brought into grave question.

The Bretton Woods institutions are meant to serve the world, not just a handful of countries and their peculiar agenda. The IMF and the World Bank should fight any attempt to belittle them as mere unilateral organisations for domestic political purpose. In order to do that they are required to boost support of the member countries and their capacity to implement the mandate. The IMF needs to strengthen its surveillance of the global macroeconomy and markets, especially in co-operation with other relevant multilateral institutions such as the OECD, the World Trade Organization, the Bank for International Settlements and the Financial Stability Board to prevent and manage crisis and minimise its adverse impact.




기사 전문 출처: https://www.ft.com/content/2dbf9582-a948-11e9-984c-fac8325aaa04

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