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[과학기술•산업•환경] [안충영 회원] ] E-Commerce and ICT Development in South Korea: Prospects and Challenges (Japan Economic Foundation 2019.01-02)
Date: 2019-01-01

E-Commerce and ICT Development in South Korea: Prospects and Challenges 

Japan Spotlight Japan Economic Foundation| 안충영 중앙대 국제대학원 석좌교수

2019.1 - 2019.2


South Korea as a Global IT Powerhouse E-commerce in South Korea has grown rapidly in tandem with its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development. Following the WTO tradition, e-commerce here is defined as the “production, distribution, marketing, delivery of goods and services by electronic means”. In a narrow sense, e-commerce refers to buying and selling carried out in virtual markets via the Internet. There is no internationally agreed upon clear concept of e-commerce. However, as there are no time constraints for buyers as well as sellers, spatial restrictions, or additional fixed costs incurred from the operation of physical stores, e-commerce expanded rapidly in major developed countries throughout the 1990s. As such, the spread of ICT and e-commerce, interchangeably with digital trade, are rapidly changing the paradigm for the economic activities of nations and enterprises in the world. In essence, the global economy is fast being converted into an e-commerce system.

South Korea has steadily been in the first rank in the Digital Opportunity Index (DOI) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) since 2004, and has been within the top five countries in the UN e-Government Readiness Index. Moreover, South Korea has been among the top three countries several times in each IT competitiveness index of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in the United Kingdom. According to the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, the Internet user and smartphone user population in South Korea in 2016 reached 88.3% and 89.9% respectively.




기사 전문 출처: https://www.jef.or.jp/journal/pdf/223rd_Cover_Story_04.pdf

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