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[과학기술•산업•환경] [김명자 회원] Sharing vaccine tech (Joongang Daily 2021.04.26)
Date: 2021-04-26

Joongang Daily  |  김명자 서울국제포럼 회장, 한국과총 명예회장, 前 환경부 장관

입력 2021.04.26  


Having mobilized the Mossad for the Covid-19 vaccine operation, Israel has the highest vaccination rate in the world. As of April 22, the world average of fully vaccinated people is 2.9 percent, and 0.2 percent of Koreans have completed vaccination. According to Our World in Data, Korea is one step ahead of Myanmar and Guyana’s 0.1 percent. There are 50 countries where no one has been vaccinated yet.

Korea has made deals for Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Novavax and Janssen vaccines. After AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines were suspended and then resumed due to the blood clotting issue, demands for mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are surging. No country has approved Novavax yet, which is supposed to be produced in Korea in the third quarter. The government hurriedly announced an additional purchase of Pfizer vaccines for 20 million people on April 24.

The pandemic cannot be overcome by herd immunity of a few countries. It is a global issue that needs to be resolved through international cooperation. GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, was established in 2000 to supply vaccines to underdeveloped countries, but their efforts are not enough to clear the immunization gap on Covid-19. Since the United States is considering its third shot for citizens, supply is likely to be short. It is uncertain when global herd immunity can be attained as long as market economy-centered economics is maintained. In the meantime, the virus will spread faster, and variants will strike back. The game-changer to win the battle against time is increased production of vaccines.




기사 원문 출처: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2021/04/26/opinion/columns/Covid19-vaccine/20210426193200319.html?detailWord=

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